Archive for June 7th, 2014

My weight loss journey

I haven’t updated this thing is forever. The reason being is well…… I have nothing to ever talk about. Also, I’m updating this because I can’t sleep and I’m hoping that I can put myself to sleep.

Anyway, it’s been a little over two weeks since I’ve pretty much did a 180 on things I ate. I used to eat pizza, fries, cheeseburgers, mozzarella sticks, you know really unhealthy foods. I was never much a fan of McDonald’s, Wendy’s or Burger King for a while. I gave them up a long time ago. However, my problem is Five Guys. Why do they have to make the food so good!?

Now my diet basically consist of fruits, tuna, oatmeal, I’m trying to work my way to vegetables. Greek yogurt. However, you have to be very careful with Greek yogurt. There are some Greek yogurts out there that have more sugar than a doughnut. The one I’ve been having and is Dr. Oz approved is by Stonyfield, and is vanilla. It has 12g of carbs and 12g of sugar and 14g of protein, and 0% fat. It does have 110 calories, but the ones I’ve found with less than a 100 calories had 27g of carbs and 27g of sugar. Not all supermarkets carry it though. I’ve only found it at Wholefoods and Pathmark. It does also come in chocolate, but I’m more of a vanilla person so I picked vanilla. Both of them have the same calories, sugar, carbs, protein, etc. Also, I drink lots of water and sometimes milk. I’ve learned that you’re supposed to drink half your body weight in the amount of ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds then you’re supposed to be drinking 50 ounces of water a day. I learned that from Chris Powell who is the trainer on Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Edition. That’s a lot of water, but it’s good for you. However, I have learned that drinking too much water can kill you. So don’t over do it. Also, I’ve learned that sometimes you may not even be hungry at all, you may just be dehydrated.

Also, with diet comes exercise. I started out walking around my neighborhood for an hour and a half. Then I decided to do two hours. I have since moved onto the local high school track field and walk/jog on that. The reason I moved to a track field was for a few reasons. First, it’s safer, I nearly got hit by cars, second, I can better keep track of my miles. 4 times around is a mile. And thirdly, I’m sick of men honking at me and yelling things out at me. Why can’t a girl just go for a walk or run and not get honked at or yelled at once? I guess I’ll never know.

Anyway, the reason why I started this whole diet thing was because it’s healthier. I wanted to feel better about myself and wanted to wear cuter clothes. And the main reason is well I’m tired of people asking me, “when are you due”? Seriously? These people don’t even know me. Word of advice, never and I mean never ask a woman when she is due, even if you know she is pregnant. Want to hear something funny, I was telling a friend that it’s always women who ask me when I’m due or if I’m pregnant, it’s never men who say it. And you know what she said in response, “men are dumb, but they’re not that dumb”. Granted, I know there probably are women who have been asked my men if they’re pregnant. However, in my case I never was. :).

Now, on to how I feel. I’m not going to lie, it’s been hard. I wanted pizza so bad. I love pizza. However, I feel better. I have more energy. I don’t feel as sluggish as soda made me feel. I feel great. My skin feels softer. I feel more happy. I wake up earlier and don’t sleep in as much.

Also, I’ve learned that you have to make plans, and for those who know me know how much I love to plan ;). You have to look at the weather and see what days work for you and make yourself go for a jog. I’ve learned form my experience by just waking up and saying I will exercise today, I learned I wont. You need to plan the day before. Also, you have to be motivated. For me, I just think Channing Tatum is waiting for me at the fished line. Also, reward yourself. I know some people reward themselves with a cheat day, but for me its shoes. I do have a DSW rewards card so why not put it to use, ha ha.

Anyway, I’ll end on this. I’ve lost 16 pounds and I can’t wait to see how much I will lose in a month. On a side note, maybe one day I will reveal my starting weight. But I’m not brave to do that. I give total props to those people on Extreme makeover: weight loss edition who get weighed in front of millions of people. I could never do that…ever. If you read this and think there is NO way you could give up unhealthy foods, then just try it. I heard it takes 21 days to break a bad habit. You never know, you might surprise yourself. Trust me, your body will love it.

Well, I hoped you enjoyed this post. If you read this whole thing, well I’m happy and proud of you. 🙂

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