Who Has My Respect

November 16, 2011 Vicki

Oh wow!  This is my second entry in just a few minutes! This is a record! Anyway, I wanted to take this time to show my appreciate to those I appreciate. In no special order.

1) Single parents- I really appreciate them because I believe they are the hardest working parent out there.  They work all day and come home to their kid or kids and get no help from the other parent.  My sister is a single parent and IMO, she does it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than most people I know who have help.

2)  Those who served or are serving in  the military. I can’t tell you how grateful i am for that. My dad faught in vietnaum(sp?)  I know I just screwed the word up, and I’m very grateful for that.

3) doctors-they go to school for years to see what is wrong with you.

4) nurses- they are the ones that cry with you and comfort you and are not as respected as much as doctors. They may not have that MD, but save lives too.

5) Teachers- they work a lot. They do lessons plans and educate children. My other sister is a teacher and I respect her for that.

6) Dentist-Why do i appreciate them? Well, to be honest they smell your bad breath and fix your teeth

7) Firefighters- they save you from burning buildings and risk their lives to rescue you (actually, I just heard a siren as I typed this out).

8) Police- and no, I know some of you are going to think I’m going to appreciate the way some look, but there is more. They protect you and put their lives on the line all the time.

9) Bible Translators- I know its bad that this was near the end, but it was in no random order. They translate the Bible in different languages so others could read it. Also, it spreads the Gospel.

10) Not sure what you call these people- these people who go to nations where other religion is not allowed and you are not allowed to talk about ther name of Jesus. These people go to jail and even get killed in these countries simply for beinga christian and dying proclamining God’s word.  Now other people may say, but so do people in america, but in america, there is freedom of religion. I can have my bible at work, in other countries, it is forbidden. How many of you would go into a country proclaiming God’s word, knowing it may get you killed?  For me, I can say I would be very afraid, but would hope I could do that.


This is my list. Who has your respect? Who do you admire?  I would love to hear your thoughts.

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